Good Conversation. Great cigars.
Meet new people, make new friends, and enjoy great cigars.
The Saint Joseph Cigar Club was founded by a group of local cigar enthusiasts who simply wanted to meet other cigar smokers. There were many people in the area who enjoy smoking cigars, but they didn’t have an organized group or a local lounge where they could meet fellow cigar smokers. One thing led to another, and the Saint Joseph Cigar Club was founded. The first event was hosted on June 14, 2021 by charter member Patrick McCrevan and was attended by five other charter members. Since then, the Saint Joseph Cigar Club has grown to over 300 members and meets regularly throughout the summer and fall months on Monday evenings. We are a free club—no dues or expectations—and all are welcome! Click the link below to join the Facebook Group, where information about upcoming events is posted. We look forward to meeting you!